Browse Title Index

Issue Title
Vol 36 (1999): The Development of Human Gene Therapy 9 Emerging Viral Vectors Abstract
Douglas J. Jolly
Vol 46 (2006): Genomes 9 Fish Genomics and Biology Abstract
Hugues Roest Crollius, Jean Weissenbach
Vol 10 (1982): RNA Tumor Viruses: Molecular Biology of Tumor Viruses, 2nd Ed. 9 Functions and Origins of Retroviral Transforming Genes Abstract
J. Michael Bishop, Harold Varmus
Vol 27 (1994): Arabidopsis 9 Genetic Studies with Arabidopsis: A Historical View Abstract
Csaba Koncz, George P. Rédei
Vol 51 (2008): Molecular Biology of Aging 9 Genome-wide Views of Aging Gene Networks Abstract
Stuart K. Kim
Vol 3 (1973): The Molecular Biology of Tumour Viruses 9 Herpesviruses Abstract
Vol 23 (1993): Reverse Transcriptase 9 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Reverse Transcriptase Abstract
Stuart F.J. Le Grice
Vol 22 (1992): Transcriptional Regulation 1 9 Initiation of Transcription by RNA Polymerase II Abstract
Stephen Buratowski, Phillip A. Sharp
Vol 37 (1999): The RNA World, 2nd Ed.: The Nature of Modern RNA Suggests a Prebiotic RNA World 9 Introns and the RNA World Abstract
Walter Gilbert, Sandro J. De Souza
Vol 10 (1980): DNA Tumor Viruses: Molecular Biology of Tumor Viruses, 2nd Ed. 9 Lytic Infection by Adenoviruses Abstract
S. J. Flint, T R. Broker
Vol 48 (2007): Translational Control in Biology and Medicine 9 Mechanism of Translation Initiation in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Abstract
Alan G. Hinnebusch, Thomas E. Dever, Katsura Asano
Vol 45 (2006): Telomeres, Second Ed. 9 Meiotic Telomeres Abstract
Harry Scherthan
Vol 21 (1997): Volume III: The Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Yeast Saccharomyces: Cell Cycle and Cell Biology 9 Mitosis and Cytokinesis in the Fission Yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe Abstract
Sophia S.Y. Su, Mitsuhiro Yanagida
Vol 52 (2008): Adult Neurogenesis 9 Neurogenesis in the Adult Hippocampus Abstract
Gerd Kempermann, Hongjun Song, Fred H. Gage
Vol 25 (1993): Nucleases, 2nd ed. 9 Nucleases Involved in DNA Repair Abstract
R. Stephen Lloyd, Stuart Linn
Vol 18 (1989): Oncogenes and the Molecular Origins of Cancer 9 Oncogenesis by DNA Viruses: Adenovirus Abstract
Thomas Shenk
Vol 40 (2001): Stem Cell Biology 9 Primordial Germ Cells as Stem Cells Abstract
Brigid Hogan
Vol 19 (1990): Stress Proteins in Biology and Medicine 9 Properties of the Escherichia coli Heat Shock Proteins and Their Role in Bacteriophage λ Growth Abstract
Costa Georgopoulos, Debbie Ang, Krzysztof Liberek, Maciej Zylicz
Vol 26 (1994): The Biology of Heat Shock Proteins and Molecular Chaperones 9 Properties of the Heat Shock Proteins of Escherichia coli and the Autoregulation of the Heat Shock Response Abstract
Costa Georgopoulos, Krzysztof Liberek, Maciej Zylicz, Debbie Ang
Vol 5 (1975): RNA Phages 9 Protein Factors Required for the Replication of Phage Qβ RNA In Vitro Abstract
Ching-Hung Kuo, Lillian Eoyang, J. Thomas August
Vol 20 (1990): DNA Topology and Its Biological Effects 9 Reverse Gyrase and Other Archaebacterial Topoisomerases Abstract
Akihiko Kikuchi
Vol 39 (2000): Translational Control of Gene Expression 9 Ribosomal Subunit Joining Abstract
Tatyana V. Pestova, Christopher U.T. Hellen, Thomas E. Dever
Vol 42 (2004): Cell Growth: Control of Cell Size 9 S6K Integrates Nutrient and Mitogen Signals to Control Cell Growth Abstract
Jacques Montagne, George Thomas
Vol 33 (1997): C. elegans II 9 Sex Determination and X Chromosome Dosage Compensation Abstract
Barbara J. Meyer
Vol 17 (1988): The Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans 9 Sexual Dimorphism and Sex Determination Abstract
Jonathan Hodgkin
Vol 10 (1980): DNA Tumor Viruses: Molecular Biology of Tumor Viruses, 2nd Ed. 9 Supplement Abstract
Vol 29 (1995): Telomeres 9 Telomeres and Aging Abstract
Calvin B. Harley
Vol 50 (2008): The TGF-β Family 9 TGF-β Signaling from Receptors to Smads Abstract
Carl-Henrik Heldin
Vol 21 (1992): Volume II: The Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Yeast Saccharomyces: Gene Expression 9 The Heat-shock Response of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Abstract
Elizabeth A. Craig
Vol 49 (2007): Invertebrate Neurobiology 9 The Neuromechanics of Fly Flight Control Abstract
Mark A. Frye
Vol 43 (2006): The RNA World, 3rd Ed. 9 The Roles of RNA in the Synthesis of Protein Abstract
Peter B. Moore, Thomas A. Steitz
Vol 41 (2004): Prion Biology and Diseases, 2nd Ed. 9 Transgenetic Investigations of the Species Barrier and Prion Strains Abstract
Michael Scott, David Peretz, Rosalind M. Ridley, Harry F. Baker, Stephen J. Dearmond, Stanley B. Prusiner
Vol 30 (1996): Translational Control 9 Translational Control during Heat Shock Abstract
Roger F. Duncan
Vol 21 (1991): Volume I: The Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Yeast Saccharomyces: Genome Dynamics, Protein Synthesis, and Energetics 9 Transport across Yeast Vacuolar and Plasma Membranes Abstract
Ramon Serrano
Vol 44 (2006): The Dog and Its Genome 9 Understanding Genetic Relationships among Purebred Dogs: The PhyDo Project Abstract
Heidi G. Parker, Nathan B. Sutter, Elaine A. Ostrander
Vol 32 (1996): Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Regulation b and pl Paramutation in Maize: Heritable Transcription States Programmed during Development Abstract
Vicki L. Chandler, Kenneth M. Kubo, Jay B. Hollick
Vol 6 (1976): RNA Polymerase Bacillus subtilis RNA Polymerase Mutants Temperature-sensitive for Sporulation Abstract
David M. Rothstein, Calvin L Keeler, Abraham L, Sonenshein
Vol 17 (1988): The Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans C. elegans Bibliography Details
Vol 9 (1980): Transfer RNA: Biological Aspects Escherichia coli tRNATyr Gene Clusters: Organization and Structure Abstract
John Rossi, James Egan, Michael L. Berman, Arthur Landy
Vol 7 (1978): The Operon lac: The Genetic System Abstract
Jonathan R. Beckwith
Vol 7 (1978): The Operon lac Repressor Fragments Produced In Vivo and In Vitro: An Approach to the Understanding of the Interaction of Repressor and DNA Abstract
Klaus Weber, Norbert Geisler
Vol 12 (1982): Mitochondrial Genes Neurospora crassa Mitochondrial tRNAs and rRNAs: Structure, Gene Organization, and DNA Sequences Abstract
Samuel Yin, John Burke, David D. Chang, Karen S. Browning, Joyce E. Heckman, Birgit Alzner-Deweerd, Michael J. Potter, Uttam L. Rajbhandary
Vol 12 (1982): Mitochondrial Genes Schizosaccharomyces pombe: A Short Review of a Short Mitochondrial Genome Abstract
Klaus Wolf, Bernd Lang, Luigi Del Giudice, Paul Q. Anziano, Philip S. Perlman
Vol 12 (1982): Mitochondrial Genes var1 Determinant Region of Yeast Mitochondrial DNA Abstract
Ronald A. Butow, Frances Farrelly, H. Peter Zassenhaus, Michael E. S. Hudspeth, Lawrence I. Grossman, Philip S. Perlman
Vol 6 (1976): RNA Polymerase α-Amanitin-resistant Mutants of Mammalian Cells and the Regulation of RNA Polymerase II Activity Abstract
C. J. Ingles, B. G. Beatty, A. Guialis, M. L Pearson, M. M. Crerar, P. E. Lobban, L. Siminovitch, D. G. Somers, M. Buchwald
Vol 7 (1978): The Operon β-Galactosidase, the Lactose Permease Protein, and Thiogalactoside Transacetylase Abstract
Irving Zabin, Audrée V. Fowler
Vol 2 (1971): The Bacteriophage Lambda A Bacterial Mutant Affecting Lambda Development Abstract
David I. Friedman
Vol 2 (1971): The Bacteriophage Lambda A Bacterial Mutation Affecting N Function Abstract
C. P. Georgopoulos
Vol 13 (1983): Lambda II A Beginner’s Guide to Lambda Biology Abstract
Werner Arber
Vol 8 (1978): The Single-Stranded DNA Phages A Comparison of DNA Packaging in the Virions of fd, Xf, and Pf1 Abstract
Loren A. Day, Robert L. Wiseman
Vol 12 (1982): Mitochondrial Genes A Comprehensive View of Mitochondrial Gene Expression in Human Cells Abstract
Giuseppe Attardi, Palmiro Cantatore, Anne Chomyn, Stephen Crews, Robert Gelfand, Christian Merkel, Julio Montoya, Deanna Ojala
Vol 9 (1979): Transfer RNA: Structure, Properties, and Recognition A Crystallographic Analysis of Yeast Initiator tRNA Abstract
Richard W. Schevitz, Alberto D. Podjarny, Narasimhan Krishnamachari, John J. Hughes, Paul B. Sigler
Vol 2 (1971): The Bacteriophage Lambda A Mutant of Escherichia coli That Is Lysogenized with High Frequency Abstract
Marlene Belfort, Daniel L. Wulff
Vol 12 (1982): Mitochondrial Genes A New Mitochondrial Topoisomerase from Rat Liver That Catenates DNA Abstract
Frank J. Castora, Rolf Sternglanz, Melvin V. Simpson
Vol 6 (1976): RNA Polymerase A Salt-promoted Inhibitor of RNA Polymerase Isolated from T4 Phage-infected E. Coli Abstract
Audrey Stevens
Vol 12 (1982): Mitochondrial Genes A System to Study Human Mitochondrial Genes: Application to Chloramphenicol Resistance Abstract
Douglas C. Wallace, Noëlynn A. Oliver, Hugues Blanc, Camellia W. Adams
Vol 8 (1978): The Single-Stranded DNA Phages Abnormal Forms of Filamentous Phage Virions and Phage DNA Abstract
Frances C. Wheeler, Rolf H. Benzinger
Vol 6 (1976): RNA Polymerase Abortive Initiation of In Vitro RNA Synthesis on Bacteriophage λ DNA Abstract
David E. Johnston, William R. McClure
Vol 8 (1978): The Single-Stranded DNA Phages Adsorption and Eclipse Reactions of the Isometric Phages Abstract
Nino L. Incardona
Vol 9 (1979): Transfer RNA: Structure, Properties, and Recognition Affinity Labeling of tRNA Binding Sites on Ribosomes Abstract
Ernst Kuechler, James Ofengand
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