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Issue Title
Vol 9 (1980): Transfer RNA: Biological Aspects Comments on the Role of Aminoacyl-tRNA in the Regulation of Amino Acid Biosynthesis Abstract
H. Edwin Umbarger
Vol 8 (1978): The Single-Stranded DNA Phages Comparative DNA Sequence Analysis of the G4 and ϕX174 Genomes Abstract
G. Nigel Godson, John C. Fiddes, Barclay G. Barrell, Frederick Sanger
Vol 12 (1982): Mitochondrial Genes Comparison of the Human and Bovine Mitochondrial Genomes Abstract
Stephen Anderson, Alan T. Bankier, Barclay G. Barrell, Maarten H. L. Debruijn, Alan R. Coulson, Jacques Drouin, Ian C. Eperon, Donald P. Nierlich, Bruce A. Roe, Frederick Sanger, Peter H. Schreier, Andrew J. H. Smith, Roger Staden, Ian G. Young
Vol 4 (1974): Ribosomes Complex Interactions of Antibiotics with the Ribosome Abstract
Bernard D. Davis, Phang-Cheng Tai, Brian J. Wallace
Vol 32 (1996): Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Regulation Control and Function of DNA Methylation in Neurospora crassa Abstract
Ann T. Hagemann, Eric U. Selker
Vol 11 (1981): The Molecular Biology of the Yeast Saccharomyces: Life Cycle and Inheritance Control of Cell Type in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Mating Type and Mating-type Interconversion Abstract
Ira Herskowitz, Yasuji Oshima
Vol 8 (1978): The Single-Stranded DNA Phages Control of DNA Structure by Proteins Abstract
Klaus Geider, Verena Berthold, Mahmoud Abdel-Monem, Hartmut Hoffmann-Berling
Vol 6 (1976): RNA Polymerase Control of Formation of RNA Polymerase in Escherichia coli Abstract
Akira Ishihama, Makoto Taketo, Tsunao Saitoh, Ryuji Fukuda
Vol 6 (1976): RNA Polymerase Control of Gene Action in Phage SPO1 Development: Phage-specific Modifications of RNA Polymerase and a Mechanism of Positive Regulation Abstract
R. Petrusek, J. J. Duffy, E. P. Geiduschek
Vol 13 (1983): Lambda II Control of Integration and Excision Abstract
Harrison Echols, Gabriel Guarneros
Vol 8 (1978): The Single-Stranded DNA Phages Conversion of Phage Single-stranded DNA to Duplex DNA In Vitro Abstract
Sue Wickner
Vol 32 (1996): Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Regulation CpG Suppression in HIV-1 Versus HIV-2: Correlation with Pathogenicity and Possible Implications for the Design of Antiretroviral Vaccines Abstract
Jonathan W. Nyce
Vol 9 (1979): Transfer RNA: Structure, Properties, and Recognition Crystal Structure of Yeast tRNAphe and General Structural Features of Other tRNAs Abstract
Sung-Hou Kim
Vol 35 (1998): RNA Structure and Function Crystallographic Analysis of RNA Structure Abstract
Stephen R. Holbrook
Vol 22 (1992): Transcriptional Regulation 2 Cumulative Author Index Details
Vol 22 (1992): Transcriptional Regulation 2 Cumulative Subject Index Details
Vol 7 (1978): The Operon Cyclic AMP, the Cyclic AMP Receptor Protein, and Their Dual Control of the Galactose Operon Abstract
Benoit De Crombrugghe, Ira Pastan
Vol 11 (1981): The Molecular Biology of the Yeast Saccharomyces: Life Cycle and Inheritance Cytology of the Yeast Life Cycle Abstract
Breck Byers
Vol 12 (1982): Mitochondrial Genes Cytoplasmic and Nuclear Inheritance of Erythromycin Resistance in Human Cells Abstract
Claus-Jens Doersen, Eric J. Stanbridge
Vol 2 (1971): The Bacteriophage Lambda Defective Lambda Particles Whose DNA Carries Only a Single Cohesive End Abstract
John W. Little, Max Gottesman
Vol 34 (1997): Oxidative Stress and the Molecular Biology of Antioxidant Defenses Defense against Photooxidative Damage in Plants Abstract
Andrea Polle
Vol 2 (1971): The Bacteriophage Lambda Deletion Mapping of the Site of Action of the tof Gene Product Abstract
Janice Pero
Vol 16 (1984): Microbial Development Development of Dictyostelium discoideum: Chemotaxis, Cell-cell Adhesion, and Gene Expression Abstract
Rex L. Chisholm, Donna Fontana, Ann Theibert, Harvey F. Lodish, Peter Devreotes
Vol 8 (1978): The Single-Stranded DNA Phages Development of M13 as a Single-stranded Cloning Vector: Insertion of the Tn3 Transposon into the Genome of M13 Abstract
Dan S. Ray, Karin Kook
Vol 11 (1981): The Molecular Biology of the Yeast Saccharomyces: Life Cycle and Inheritance Development of Yeast as an Experimental Organism Abstract
Herschel Roman
Vol 16 (1984): Microbial Development Developmental Genetics of the Rhizobium/Legume Symbiosis Abstract
Frederick M. Ausubel
Vol 16 (1984): Microbial Development Developmental Pathways in Yeast Abstract
Amar J.S. Klar, Jeffrey N. Strathern, James B. Hicks
Vol 4 (1974): Ribosomes Differential Replication of Ribosomal RNA Genes in Eukaryotes Abstract
Brian B. Spear
Vol 35 (1998): RNA Structure and Function Directed Evolutionary Descriptions of Natural RNA Structures Abstract
Scott Baskerville, Dan Frank, Andrew D. Ellington
Vol 14 (1982): Nucleases DMA Topoisomerases Abstract
James C. Wang
Vol 32 (1996): Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Regulation DNA Methylation in Eukaryotes: 20 Years On Abstract
Robin Holliday
Vol 32 (1996): Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Regulation DNA Methylation of Flower Color Transgenes in Petunia hybrida Abstract
Peter Meyer
Vol 32 (1996): Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Regulation DNA Methyltransferases in Mammalian Development and Genome Defense Abstract
Timothy H. Bestor
Vol 32 (1996): Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Regulation DNA Modification and Restriction: Selfish Behavior of an Epigenetic System Abstract
Ichizo Kobayashi
Vol 32 (1996): Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Regulation DNA Modification Mechanisms and Gene Activity during Development Abstract
R. Holliday, J. E. Pugh
Vol 13 (1983): Lambda II DNA Packaging and Cutting Abstract
Michael Feiss, Andrew Becker
Vol 11 (1981): The Molecular Biology of the Yeast Saccharomyces: Life Cycle and Inheritance DNA Repair and Mutagenesis in Yeast Abstract
Robert H. Haynes, Bernard A. Kunz
Vol 2 (1971): The Bacteriophage Lambda DNA Synthesis Associated with Recombination I. Recombination in a DNA-negative Host Abstract
Mary M. Stahl, Franklin W. Stahl
Vol 2 (1971): The Bacteriophage Lambda DNA Synthesis Associated with Recombination II. Recombination between Repressed Chromosomes Abstract
Franklin W. Stahl, Mary M. Stahl
Vol 6 (1976): RNA Polymerase DNA-dependent RNA Polymerases from Drosophila melanogaster Larvae Abstract
Arno L. Greenleaf, Angela Krämer, Ekkehard K. F. Bautz
Vol 12 (1982): Mitochondrial Genes Does Senescence in Podospora anserina Result from Instability of the Mitochondrial Genome? Abstract
Léon Belcour, Odile Begel, Anne-Marie Keller, Corinne Vierny
Vol 9 (1979): Transfer RNA: Structure, Properties, and Recognition Editing Mechanisms in the Aminoacylation of tRNA Abstract
Alan R. Fersht
Vol 9 (1979): Transfer RNA: Structure, Properties, and Recognition Effects of Aminoacylation and Solution Conditions on the Structure of tRNA Abstract
Russell O. Potts, Chun-Chen Wang, David C. Fritzinger, Norman C. Ford, Jr., Maurille J. Fournier
Vol 4 (1974): Ribosomes Effects of Colicin E3 on Bacterial Ribosomes Abstract
M. Nomura, J. Sidikaro, K. Jakes, N. Zinder
Vol 2 (1971): The Bacteriophage Lambda Electron Micrographic Mapping of Deletions, Insertions, Inversions, and Homologies in the DNAs of Coliphages Lambda and Phi 80 Abstract
Michael Fiandt, Zdenka Hradecna, Homer A. Lozeron, Waclaw Szybalski
Vol 16 (1984): Microbial Development Endospore Formation in Bacillus Abstract
Richard Losick, Philip Youngman
Vol 9 (1980): Transfer RNA: Biological Aspects Enzymatic Removal of Intervening Sequences in the Synthesis of Yeast tRNAs Abstract
Richard C. Ogden, Gayle Knapp, Craig L. Peebles, Hyan S. Kang, Jacques S. Beckmann, Peter F. Johnson, Shella A. Fuhrman, John N. Abelson
Vol 32 (1996): Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Regulation Epigenetic Modifications and Gene Silencing in Plants Abstract
Frederick Meins, Jr.
Vol 32 (1996): Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Regulation Epigenetic Regulation of the Maize Spm Transposable Element Abstract
Nina Fedoroff
Vol 32 (1996): Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Regulation Epigenetic Silencing and Activation of a Maize r Gene Abstract
Jerry L. Kermicle
Vol 32 (1996): Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Regulation Epigenetic Silencing of Mu Transposable Elements in Maize Abstract
Robert A. Martienssen
Vol 2 (1971): The Bacteriophage Lambda Escherichia coli Mutants Blocked in Lambda DNA Synthesis Abstract
C. P. Georgopoulos, I. Herskowitz
Vol 32 (1996): Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Regulation Essentials of Mouse Development Abstract
Arthur D. Riggs
Vol 32 (1996): Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Regulation Essentials of Plant Development Abstract
Robert A. Martienssen
Vol 32 (1996): Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Regulation Establishment of Imprinted Methylation Patterns during Development Abstract
Ruth Shemer, Aharon Razin
Vol 13 (1983): Lambda II Establishment of Repressor Synthesis Abstract
Daniel L. Wulff, Martin Rosenberg
Vol 6 (1976): RNA Polymerase Eukaryotic Nuclear RNA Polymerases Abstract
Robert G. Roeder
Vol 13 (1983): Lambda II Evolution of the Lambdoid Phages Abstract
Allan Campbell, David Botstein
Vol 12 (1982): Mitochondrial Genes Evolutionary Origin and the Biological Function of Noncoding Sequences in the Mitochondrial Genome of Yeast Abstract
Giorgio Bernardi
Vol 13 (1983): Lambda II Experimental Methods for Use with Lambda Abstract
Werner Arber, Lynn Enquist, Barbara Hohn, Noreen E. Murray, Kenneth Murray
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