Browse Title Index

Issue Title
Vol 18 (1989): Oncogenes and the Molecular Origins of Cancer 3 Growth Factors and Their Receptors Abstract
Gordon N. Gill
Vol 36 (1999): The Development of Human Gene Therapy 3 Lentiviral Vectors Abstract
Luigi Naldini, Inder M. Verma
Vol 10 (1980): DNA Tumor Viruses: Molecular Biology of Tumor Viruses, 2nd Ed. 3 Lytic Cycle of SV40 and Polyoma Virus Abstract
N. H. Acheson
Vol 40 (2001): Stem Cell Biology 3 On Equivalence Groups and the Notch/LIN-12 Communication System Abstract
Domingos Henrique
Vol 53 (2009): The Skeletal System 3 Patterning and Differentiation of the Vertebrate Spine Abstract
Jérome Chal, Olivier Pourquié
Vol 21 (1992): Volume II: The Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Yeast Saccharomyces: Gene Expression 3 Processing of Yeast Cytoplasmic and Mitochondrial Precusor tRNAs Abstract
Anita K. Hopper, Nancy C. Martin
Vol 20 (1990): DNA Topology and Its Biological Effects 3 Protein-Protein Interactions and DNA Loop Formation Abstract
Ann Hochschild
Vol 5 (1975): RNA Phages 3 Proteins of the RNA Phages Abstract
Klaus Weber, William Konigsberg
Vol 43 (2006): The RNA World, 3rd Ed. 3 Protocells: Genetic Polymers Inside Membrane Vesicles Abstract
Irene A. Chen, Martin M. Hanczyc, Peter L. Sazani, Jack W. Szostak
Vol 23 (1993): Reverse Transcriptase 3 Regulation of Initiation of Reverse Transcription of Retroviruses Abstract
Jonathan Leis, Ashok Aiyar, David Cobrinik
Vol 22 (1992): Transcriptional Regulation 1 3 RNA Polymerase II Subunits, Transcription Factors, and Kinases: Investigations in Drosophila melanogaster and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Abstract
Arno L. Greenleaf
Vol 31 (1996): DNA Replication in Eukaryotic Cells 3 Roles of Transcription Factors in DNA Replication Abstract
Peter C. van der Vliet
Vol 24 (1993): The RNA World 3 Speculations on the Origin of Ribosomal Translocation Abstract
Robert Weiss, Joshua Cherry
Vol 48 (2007): Translational Control in Biology and Medicine 3 Structure and Function of the Eukaryotic Ribosome and Elongation Factors Abstract
Derek J. Taylor, Joachim Frank, Terri Goss Kinzy
Vol 10 (1980): DNA Tumor Viruses: Molecular Biology of Tumor Viruses, 2nd Ed. 3 Supplement Abstract
Vol 45 (2006): Telomeres, Second Ed. 3 Telomerase Biochemistry and Biogenesis Abstract
Jiunn-Liang Chen, Carol W. Greider
Vol 29 (1995): Telomeres 3 Telomerase Biochemistry and Regulation Abstract
Carol W. Greider
Vol 50 (2008): The TGF-β Family 3 TGF-β: A Multipotential Cytokine Abstract
Stephen H. Schilling, Anita B. Hjelmeland, Jeremy N. Rich, Xiao-Fan Wang
Vol 25 (1993): Nucleases, 2nd ed. 3 The ATP-dependent Restriction Enzymes Abstract
Thomas A. Bickle
Vol 3 (1973): The Molecular Biology of Tumour Viruses 3 The External Surfaces of Cells in Culture Abstract
Vol 19 (1990): Stress Proteins in Biology and Medicine 3 The Febrile Response Abstract
Matthew J. Kluger
Vol 17 (1988): The Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans 3 The Genome Abstract
Scott W. Emmons
Vol 37 (1999): The RNA World, 2nd Ed.: The Nature of Modern RNA Suggests a Prebiotic RNA World 3 The Genomic Tag Hypothesis: What Molecular Fossils Tell Us about the Evolution of tRNA Abstract
Nancy Maizels, Alan M. Weiner
Vol 39 (2000): Translational Control of Gene Expression 3 The Protein Biosynthesis, Elongation Cycle Abstract
William C. Merrick, Jens Nyborg
Vol 27 (1994): Arabidopsis 30 Arabidopsis thaliana as a Model for Studying Mechanisms of Plant Cold Tolerance Abstract
Michael F. Thomashow
Vol 52 (2008): Adult Neurogenesis 30 Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis in Natural Populations of Mammals Abstract
Irmgard Amrein, Hans-Peter Lipp, Rudy Boonstra, J. Martin Wojtowicz
Vol 22 (1992): Transcriptional Regulation 2 30 Dangerous Liaisons: Fos and Jun, Oncogenic Transcription Factors Abstract
Tom Curran, Peter K. Vogt
Vol 31 (1996): DNA Replication in Eukaryotic Cells 30 Geminivirus DNA Replication Abstract
David M. Bisaro
Vol 39 (2000): Translational Control of Gene Expression 30 Nonsense-mediated RNA Decay in Mammalian Cells: A Splicing-dependent Means to Down-regulate the Levels of mRNAs That Prematurely Terminate Translation Abstract
Lynne E. Maquat
Vol 47 (2006): DNA Replication and Human Disease 30 Papillomavirus Abstract
Louise T. Chow, Thomas R. Broker
Vol 33 (1997): C. elegans II 30 Parasitic Nematodes Abstract
Mark Blaxter, David Bird
Vol 50 (2008): The TGF-β Family 30 TGF-β and the Tumor Microenvironment Abstract
Brian Bierie, Harold L. Moses
Vol 48 (2007): Translational Control in Biology and Medicine 30 Therapeutic Opportunities in Translation Abstract
Jerry Pelletier, Stuart W. Peltz
Vol 31 (1996): DNA Replication in Eukaryotic Cells 31 Baculovirus DNA Replication Abstract
Christian H. Ahrens, Douglas J. Leisy, George F. Rohrmann
Vol 27 (1994): Arabidopsis 31 Molecular Genetics of Amino Acid, Nucleotide, and Vitamin Biosynthesis Abstract
Alan B. Rose, Robert L. Last
Vol 47 (2006): DNA Replication and Human Disease 31 Polyomavirus Abstract
Ellen Fanning, James M. Pipas
Vol 50 (2008): The TGF-β Family 31 TGF-β and Fibrosis Abstract
Erwin P. Böttinger
Vol 39 (2000): Translational Control of Gene Expression 31 Translation Initiation on Picornavirus RNA Abstract
Graham J. Belsham, Richard J. Jackson
Vol 22 (1992): Transcriptional Regulation 2 31 Yeast GCN4 Transcriptional Activator Protein Abstract
Kevin Struhl
Vol 47 (2006): DNA Replication and Human Disease 32 Adenovirus Abstract
Peter C. van der Vliet, Rob C. Hoeben
Vol 39 (2000): Translational Control of Gene Expression 32 Adenovirus Inhibition of Cellular Protein Synthesis and Preferential Translation of Viral mRNAs Abstract
Robert J. Schneider
Vol 50 (2008): The TGF-β Family 32 Development of TGF-β-based Therapeutic Agents: Capitalizing on TGF-β’s Mechanisms of Action and Signal Transduction Pathways Abstract
Carlos L. Arteaga, John M. McPherson
Vol 31 (1996): DNA Replication in Eukaryotic Cells 32 DNA Replication in Yeast Abstract
Carol S. Newlon
Vol 27 (1994): Arabidopsis 32 Glycerolipids Abstract
John Browse, Chris R. Somerville
Vol 22 (1992): Transcriptional Regulation 2 32 The Helix-Loop-Helix Motif: Structure and Function Abstract
Cornelis Murre, David Baltimore
Vol 50 (2008): The TGF-β Family 33 BMP-based Therapeutics and the BMP Signaling Pathways Abstract
Gerard Bain, Anthony J. Celeste, John M. Wozney
Vol 31 (1996): DNA Replication in Eukaryotic Cells 33 DNA Replication in Tetrahymena Abstract
Geoffrey M. Kapler, Drena L. Dobbs, Elizabeth H. Blackburn
Vol 27 (1994): Arabidopsis 33 Genetic Dissection of the Biosynthesis, Degradation, and Biological Functions of Starch Abstract
Timothy Caspar
Vol 47 (2006): DNA Replication and Human Disease 33 Herpes Simplex Virus Abstract
Sandra K. Weller, Donald M. Coen
Vol 39 (2000): Translational Control of Gene Expression 33 Reovirus Translational Control Abstract
Aaron J. Shatkin
Vol 22 (1992): Transcriptional Regulation 2 33 Structure and Function of Serum Response Factor Abstract
Richard Treisman
Vol 31 (1996): DNA Replication in Eukaryotic Cells 34 DNA Replication in Physarum Abstract
Gérard Pierron, Marianne Bénard
Vol 47 (2006): DNA Replication and Human Disease 34 Epstein-Barr Virus Abstract
Wolfgang Hammerschmidt, Bill Sugden
Vol 22 (1992): Transcriptional Regulation 2 34 Heat Shock Factor Abstract
John Lis, Carl Wu
Vol 27 (1994): Arabidopsis 34 Photosynthesis Abstract
William L. Ogren
Vol 39 (2000): Translational Control of Gene Expression 34 Translational Reprogramming during Influenza Virus Infection Abstract
Seng-Lai Tan, Michael G. Katze, Michael J. Gale, Jr.
Vol 31 (1996): DNA Replication in Eukaryotic Cells 35 Differential DNA Replication in Insects Abstract
Susan A. Gerbi, Fyodor D. Urnov
Vol 22 (1992): Transcriptional Regulation 2 35 GAL11, GAL11P, and the Action of GAL4 Abstract
Alexander A.F. Gann, Howard J. Himmelfarb, Mark Ptashne
Vol 47 (2006): DNA Replication and Human Disease 35 Poxvirus Abstract
Bernard Moss, Frank De Silva
Vol 27 (1994): Arabidopsis 35 Structure, Synthesis, and Function of the Plant Cell Wall Abstract
Wolf-Dieter Reiter
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