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APPENDIX B Restriction Maps of Representative Retroviral Proviruses and Cellular Oncogenes

Stephen Hughes


The restriction maps presented here provide reasonable guides to some of the best-studied retroviral genomes. However, caution must be exercised in using these maps. In most cases, the maps are derived from a single virus isolate or from a single cloned viral DNA molecule. Since retroviruses exhibit considerable restriction site polymorphism, even within strains, the presence or absence of a particular restriction site should be confirmed experimentally in each instance. Furthermore, the maps shown here are necessarily incomplete; when no site for a particular enzyme is shown, it should not be assumed that no sites for that enzyme occur in the viral DNA.

In all cases, LTRs are depicted as compound boxes, with U3 as an open box and R + U5 as a closed box. (The nucleotide sequences of several of these LTRs are presented in Appendix D; inspection of these sequences provides additional information about the number and position of restriction sites.) The drawings have been made according to the accompanying scales. With the exception of EcoRI (sometimes shown as RI), the conventional names for restriction enzymes are employed throughout. Discussion of the methods by which the maps are derived can be found in Chapter 5 and in the cited references. The references listed here are by no means complete; they are meant to guide the reader to the source of the map presented. In many instances, the illustrated map was chosen arbitrarily since similar maps were available from multiple sources.

1. Restriction Maps of Rous-associated Viruses

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