Browse Title Index

Issue Title
Vol 3 (1973): The Molecular Biology of Tumour Viruses Subject Index Details
Vol 11 (1982): The Molecular Biology of the Yeast Saccharomyces: Metabolism and Gene Expression Subject Index Details
Vol 12 (1982): Mitochondrial Genes Subject Index Details
Vol 16 (1984): Microbial Development Subject Index Details
Vol 20 (1990): DNA Topology and Its Biological Effects Subject Index Details
Vol 42 (2004): Cell Growth: Control of Cell Size Subject Index Details
Vol 13 (1983): Lambda II Subject Index Details
Vol 17 (1988): The Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans Subject Index Details
Vol 34 (1997): Oxidative Stress and the Molecular Biology of Antioxidant Defenses Superoxide Dismutase and Oxidative Stress in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Abstract
Robert H. Brown, Jr.
Vol 34 (1997): Oxidative Stress and the Molecular Biology of Antioxidant Defenses Superoxide Dismutase: Studies in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Abstract
Edith Butler Gralla
Vol 34 (1997): Oxidative Stress and the Molecular Biology of Antioxidant Defenses Superoxide Dismutases in Bacteria and Pathogen Protists Abstract
Danièle Touati
Vol 2 (1971): The Bacteriophage Lambda Supervirulent Mutants and the Structure of Operator and Promoter Abstract
George W. Ordal
Vol 11 (1982): The Molecular Biology of the Yeast Saccharomyces: Metabolism and Gene Expression Suppression in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Abstract
Fred Sherman
Vol 13 (1983): Lambda II Tail Assembly and Injection Abstract
Isao Katsura
Vol 2 (1971): The Bacteriophage Lambda Tandem Genetic Duplications in a Derivative of Phage Lambda Abstract
A. J. D. Bellett, H. G. Busse, R. L. Baldwin
Vol 35 (1998): RNA Structure and Function Telomerase RNA Structure and Function Abstract
Elizabeth H. Blackburn
Vol 8 (1978): The Single-Stranded DNA Phages The Escherichia coli rep Gene Abstract
Seishi Takahashi, Christian Hours, Makoto Iwaya, H. E. David Lane, David T. Denhardt
Vol 7 (1978): The Operon The lac Promoter Abstract
William S. Reznikoff, John N. Abelson
Vol 7 (1978): The Operon The lacI Gene: Its Role in lac Operon Control and Its Use as a Genetic System Abstract
Jeffrey H. Miller
Vol 6 (1976): RNA Polymerase The N Protein of λ: Evidence Bearing on Transcription Termination, Polarity and the Alteration of E. coli RNA Polymerase Abstract
Naomi C. Franklin, Charles Yanofsky
Vol 11 (1981): The Molecular Biology of the Yeast Saccharomyces: Life Cycle and Inheritance The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cell Cycle Abstract
John R. Pringle, Leland H. Hartwell
Vol 4 (1974): Ribosomes The Assembly of Ribosomes in Eukaryotes Abstract
Jonathan R. Warner
Vol 14 (1982): Nucleases The ATP-dependent Restriction Endonucleases Abstract
Thomas A. Bickle
Vol 14 (1982): Nucleases The Deoxyribonucleases of Escherichia coli Abstract
Stuart Linn
Vol 8 (1978): The Single-Stranded DNA Phages The DNA Replication Cycle of the Isometric Phages Abstract
David Dressler, Dennis Hourcade, Kirston Koths, John Sims
Vol 8 (1978): The Single-Stranded DNA Phages The Filamentous Phage Genome: Genes, Physical Structure, and Protein Products Abstract
Kensuke Horiuchi, Gerald F. Vovis, Peter Model
Vol 8 (1978): The Single-Stranded DNA Phages The Filamentous Phage M13 as a Carrier DNA for Operon Fusions In Vitro Abstract
Joachim Messing, Bruno Gronenborn
Vol 8 (1978): The Single-Stranded DNA Phages The Filamentous Phages as Transducing Particles Abstract
Gerald F. Vovis, Mariko Ohsumi
Vol 23 (1993): Reverse Transcriptase The First Ever Retrotriviacrossword Abstract
Vol 8 (1978): The Single-Stranded DNA Phages The Genes of the Isometric Phages and Their Functions Abstract
Ethel S. Tessman, Irwin Tessman
Vol 2 (1971): The Bacteriophage Lambda The Genetics of the Anti-immune Phenotype of Defective Lambda Lysogens Abstract
E. Calef, A. Avitabile, L. Del Giudice, C. Marchelli, T. Menna, Z. Neubauer, A. Soller
Vol 6 (1976): RNA Polymerase The In Vitro Transcriptional Specificity of RNA Polymerase Isolated from SP82-infected Bacillus subtilis Abstract
H. R. Whiteley, George B. Spiegelman, Jonathon M. Lawrie, William R. Hiatt
Vol 9 (1980): Transfer RNA: Biological Aspects The Interaction of RNase M5 with a 5S rRNA Precursor Abstract
Norman R. Pace, Bernd Meyhack, Bernadette Pace, Mitchell L. Sogin
Vol 8 (1978): The Single-Stranded DNA Phages The Isometric Phage Genome: Physical Structure and Correlation with the Genetic Map Abstract
Peter J. Weisbeek, Gerard A. van Arkel
Vol 9 (1980): Transfer RNA: Biological Aspects The Localization of the Genes for tRNA4Glu and tRNA2Asp in Drosophila melanogaster by In Situ Hybridization Abstract
Eric Kubli, Thomas Schmidt, Albert H. Egg
Vol 7 (1978): The Operon The Mechanism of Phase Variation Abstract
Janine Zieg, Michael Silverman, Marcia Hilmen, Melvin I. Simon
Vol 2 (1971): The Bacteriophage Lambda The Mechanisms of Lambda Virulence II. Regulatory Mutations in Classical Virulence Abstract
William S. Sly, Karen Rabideau, Alan Kolber
Vol 2 (1971): The Bacteriophage Lambda The Morphogenesis of Bacteriophage Lambda III. Identification of Genes Specifying Morphogenetic Proteins Abstract
Helios Murialdo, Louis Siminovitch
Vol 2 (1971): The Bacteriophage Lambda The Morphogenesis of the Phage Lambda Head: the Step Controlled by Gene F Abstract
Sherwood Casjens
Vol 32 (1996): Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Regulation The Mutational Burden of 5-Methylcytosine Abstract
Allen S. Yang, Peter A. Jones, Atsuko Shibata
Vol 2 (1971): The Bacteriophage Lambda The N Operon of Lambda: Extent and Regulation as Observed in Fusions to the Tryptophan Operon of Escherichia coli Abstract
Naomi C. Franklin
Vol 34 (1997): Oxidative Stress and the Molecular Biology of Antioxidant Defenses The NADPH Oxidase of Leukocytes: The Respiratory Burst Oxidase Abstract
Bernard M. Babior, Jamel El Benna, Stephen J. Chanock, Robert M. Smith
Vol 9 (1980): Transfer RNA: Biological Aspects The Organization of tRNA Genes Abstract
John Abelson
Vol 8 (1978): The Single-Stranded DNA Phages The Other Isometric Phages Abstract
G. Nigel Godson
Vol 34 (1997): Oxidative Stress and the Molecular Biology of Antioxidant Defenses The Oxidative Burst: Roles in Signal Transduction and Plant Stress Abstract
Noriyuki Doke
Vol 34 (1997): Oxidative Stress and the Molecular Biology of Antioxidant Defenses The Oxygen Paradox: Biochemistry of Active Oxygen Abstract
Nils Hauptmann, Enrique Cadenas
Vol 9 (1979): Transfer RNA: Structure, Properties, and Recognition The Primary Structure of tRNAs and Their Rare Nucleosides Abstract
Guy Dirheimer, Gerard Keith, Annie-Paule Sibler, Robert Pierre Martin
Vol 4 (1974): Ribosomes The Process of Translation: A Bird’s-eye View Abstract
Peter Lengyel
Vol 9 (1980): Transfer RNA: Biological Aspects The Purification of 3′ Processing Nucleases Using Synthetic tRNA Precursors Abstract
Ranajit K. Ghosh, Murray P. Deutscher
Vol 9 (1979): Transfer RNA: Structure, Properties, and Recognition The Relationship of the Accuracy of Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthesis to That of Translation Abstract
Michael Yarus
Vol 6 (1976): RNA Polymerase The Rho Gene of E coli Maps at su A Abstract
David Ratner
Vol 4 (1974): Ribosomes The Ribosomal Components Involved in EF-G- and EF-Tu-dependent GTP Hydrolysis Abstract
W. Möller
Vol 4 (1974): Ribosomes The Ribosome Cycle Abstract
Raymond Kaempfer
Vol 34 (1997): Oxidative Stress and the Molecular Biology of Antioxidant Defenses The Role of Ascorbate Peroxidase and Monodehydroascorbate Reductase in H2O2 Scavenging in Plants Abstract
Kozi Asada
Vol 32 (1996): Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Regulation The Role of DNA Methylation in Plant Development Abstract
E. Jean Finnegan
Vol 2 (1971): The Bacteriophage Lambda The Role of Gene S Abstract
Sankar Adhya, Arup Sen, Sankar Mitra
Vol 2 (1971): The Bacteriophage Lambda The Role of Helper Phage in gal Transduction Abstract
H. Echols, D. Court
Vol 32 (1996): Epigenetic Mechanisms of Gene Regulation The Role of Polycomb Group and Trithorax Group Chromatin Complexes in the Maintenance of Determined Cell States Abstract
Renato Paro, Peter J. Harte
Vol 2 (1971): The Bacteriophage Lambda The Role of Recombination in Growth of Bacteriophage Lambda I. The Gamma Gene Abstract
James Zissler, Ethan Signer, Fred Schaefer
Vol 2 (1971): The Bacteriophage Lambda The Role of Recombination in Growth of Bacteriophage Lambda II. Inhibition of Growth by Prophage P2 Abstract
James Zissler, Ethan Signer, Fred Schaefer
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