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APPENDIX II Genetic Map of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Robert K. Mortimer, David Schild


The map presented in this Appendix was prepared from a recent compilation of data from the literature and personal communications of a large number of investigators. Map distances were calculated by the method of maximum likelihood of Snow (96).1 This approach is based on the earlier mapping formulas derived by Barratt et al. (5). Although the map contained in this Appendix is drawn to scale, accurate determinations of map distances should be obtained by referring to the original data published in Microbiological Reviews 44:519 (R.K. Mortimer and D. Schild 1980). Recent evidence (S. Klapholz and R.E. Esposito, pers. comm.) indicates that the genes assigned to chromosome XVII are located on chromosome XIV. Recent reviews of methods of genetic mapping in yeast are contained in this volume (Mortimer and Schild) and in a paper by Mortimer and Hawthorne (71). The gene products of many of the genes on the map are summarized in Appendix III of this volume and in the review by Plischke et al. (79).

List of Mapped Genes

GENEMAP POSITIONREFERENCEade11R69, 85ade215R69ade37R44, 69, 102ade57L69, 74, 110ade67R35, 80, 84a, 90ade84R2, 45, 70ade915R15, 69ADE157R44AMY17L62ant17L9arg115L10, 37arg310LHilger, F., pers. comm.arg48R35, 69, 108, 109arg5,65R21, 57, 68, 69, 75arg815L37arg95R69arg8013RHilger, F., pers. comm.

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