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APPENDIX B Genetic Variations of Arabidopsis thaliana

Elliot M. Meyerowitz, Hong Ma


This Appendix is an updated version of the Green Book, a list of Arabidopsis thaliana genetic variants published by Meyerowitz and Pruitt in 1984. Since that time, many old mutations have been characterized in detail; new mutations have been isolated and analyzed, thus, new genes have been defined. Furthermore, a number of the genetically defined genes have been cloned. The purpose of this Appendix is to provide a list of published Arabidopsis mutations and brief summaries of relevant information on them. When the genes have been cloned, the molecular results are also included.

The genetic nomenclature used here is based on the recommendations of the Arabidopsis Nomenclature Committee at the 1987 Third International Arabidopsis Meeting, East Lansing, Michigan. The following is a brief summary: (1) genotypes are italicized or underlined; (2) the wild-type genotype is capitalized; (3) mutant genotypes are in lower case; (4) gene symbols consist of three letters with a number; for example, CLV2 for CLAVATA 2; existing gene symbols with two letters and/or without a number continue to be used to avoid confusion; (5) alleles are denoted with a number, separated from the gene symbol by a dash, regardless of the presence or absence of a number in the gene symbol; for example, ag-1 for allele 1 of agamous, and ch1-1 for allele 1 of chlorina 1; (6) phenotypes are designated by the gene symbol, which is not italicized but has the first letter capitalized.

Unless otherwise noted, the mutations listed here were induced by mutagenic treatment...

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