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APPENDIX G Terminal Nucleotide Sequences and Restriction Endonuclease Cleavage Maps of Simian and Murine Adenoviruses

T. R. Broker


1. Terminal DNA Sequences of Simian Adenovirus 7
The sequences of the left and right ends of simian adenovirus 7 were determined by Tolun et al. (1979). Several nucleotides at the extreme termini were not characterized. The inverted terminal duplication is longer than the sequence identified. Substantial sequence homologies exist with the ends of human adenoviruses (see Appendix H, Fig. H.1).

2. Restriction Endonuclease Cleavage Maps of Simian Adenovirus 7
The EcoRI, SalI, and BglII maps of simian adenovirus (strain C-8) were determined by Naroditsky et al. (1978) and oriented with respect to the conventional genetic map by Ponomareva et al. (1979), who located the transforming genes to be in the left-end fragments as shown. The other maps were determined by T. I. Tikchonenko and his colleagues (pers. comm.).

3. Restriction Endonuclease Cleavage Maps of Simian Adenovirus 20
4. Restriction Endonuclease Cleavage Maps of Simian Adenovirus 30
The EcoRI and BglII maps of simian adenovirus 30 were determined by Dimitrov et al. (1979). They were originally reported to be those of simian adenovirus 38, an identification subsequently revised by Tikchonenko and his colleagues (pers. comm.), who also determined the other maps.

5. Terminal DNA Sequences of Mouse Adenovirus -FL
The sequences of the ends of mouse adenovirus-FL were determined by Temple et al. (1981). Both the left and right ends are numbered inward from the termini. The definition of genetic left and right ends is opposite to that proposed by Temple et al. (1981) and is set to concur with...

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