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APPENDIX E Nucleotide Sequences, Transcription and Translation Analyses, and Restriction Endonuclease Cleavage Maps of Group-B Human Adenoviruses

T.R. Broker


1. (a) Nucleotide Sequence—Coordinates 0.0–11.1
The DNA sequence of adenovirus-7 (Gomen strain) from nucleotides 1 through 4010 (early regions 1A and 1B and the protein-IX gene) were determined by Dijkema and Dekker (1979), Dijkema et al. (1980a,b, 1981), and R. Dijkema, B. M. M. Dekker, and H. van Ormondt (pers. comm.). The sequence of adenovirus 3 between nucleotides 3300 and 4010 was determined by Engler (1981) and is the same as the DNA sequence of adenovirus 7 except where noted below the adenovirus-7 sequence. The l strand of DNA (equivalent to r-strand RNA transcripts) is shown. The following features are marked in the sequence: the boundary of the inverted terminal repetition (ITR) (arrowhead); “TATA” (promoter) sequences (underlined); postulated initiation (ATG) and termination (TAG, TGA, TAA) codons (boxed); 5′ termini (cap sites) (boxed), 3′ polyadenylation signals (underlined), and polyadenylation sites (arrowheads) of mRNAs; and mRNA splice sites (brackets). The Roman numerals adjacent to the splice junctions refer to the mRNAs in which they occur (see Fig. E.1). Encoded amino acids in the appropriate translation frame are indicated above the DNA sequence, using single letter abbreviations as deciphered in the key below. The terminal cytidine is covalently linked to a protein.

A = alanine

C = cysteine

D = aspartic acid

E = glutamic acid

F = phenylalanine

G = glycine

H = histidine

I = isoleucine

K = lysine

L = leucine

M = methionine

N = asparagine

P = proline

Q = glutamine

R = arginine

S =...

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