The Role of Recombination in Growth of Bacteriophage Lambda II. Inhibition of Growth by Prophage P2
Wild-type λ does not form plaques on lysogens carrying the unrelated phage P2 (Lederberg, 1957), and is therefore said to be spi+ (sensitive to P2 interference). Lindahl et al. (1970), who studied this phenomenon, described spi− mutants of λ that can form plaques on P2 lysogens. They concluded that the spi− phenotype required inactivation of at least two λ genes: one gene maps under the bio72 deletion; another maps between the ends of the bio72 and bio1 deletions. They also found that the spi− mutants they studied are fec−.
We show here that the combination red−γ−, which is sufficient for the fec− phenotype, gives only a partial spi− phenotype. The full spi− phenotype requires in addition, the mutation of a new gene called δ (delta), located between int and exo. The δ− mutation does...
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