12 Seed Dormancy and Germination
Arabidopsis is an annual distributed over a large part of the northern, mainly temperate, parts of the world. Since in many sites it flowers before the onset of a warm and dry summer, it can survive that summer period only in the seed stage. In general, conditions become favorable for germination during the fall when seeds germinate, and then the plants survive winter as seedlings or young nonflowering plants (Baskin and Baskin 1972). This is the typical behavior of a winter annual. In some cases, seed germination is postponed until the following spring, where-after the plant completes its life cycle in the same year (Ratcliffe 1976). Arabidopsis is well suited for the study of the physiological mechanisms of dormancy and germination, because as a “wild” plant, it still...
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PDFDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/0.313-334